
Apart from dance classes, we host various activities, including dance workshops, salsa socials, parties, and other social events. It’s a fantastic opportunity to meet fellow association members and have a great time. Our activities are open to non-members, so feel free to bring your friends along!

Upcoming activities

Stay updated on all our workshops and activities by checking our Instagram and joining our Whatsapp Community. We regularly post updates, so you won’t miss out on any exciting events!  You can also find all our activities and classes in our calendar.

Let's Dance! showcase

As the academic year and thus the Let’s Dance season ends, we started to make it a tradition to end it with a blast! And with what kind of better way to celebrate the achievements and talents of our dancers, than with a showcase filled with performances. Everyone is invited – from members who decide to not dance, family, friends!

Cannot wait to participate? The last couple of classes of the academic year are dedicated to mastering the choreos for the showcase, so make sure to attend those and practice whenever you can together with your teammates 🙂 

The Let's Dance! Gala

The Let’s Dance! gala is a great way to use that pretty dress or suit in the back of your closet. Come dance with us all night long, and enjoy a night with music, friends, and dancing!


At least three times a year, our ballroom dancers compete in competitions throughout Europe! Competitions are a fun way to show what you can do, as well as bond with your fellow members. If you want to know more about our ballroom competitions, check out the competitions page!


Some might call us the party association, because wherever we are, we make it fun! Let’s Dance! is know for our themed parties, where we dance all night long!


Welcome to The Netherlands! As you might be well aware, our country still has a King. Every year, on his birthday (27/04), the streets are filled with orange to celebrate! There are flee markets, parties, and music on town quares!

If you look closely, you will see LD! members everywhere!


Every Board gets welcomed into their boarder with what is called the “Constitutie Borrel”. We celebrate our CoBos with our fellow sports boards, and of course with our lovely members! The evening is similar to a party, but has some (strange) traditions, like Brassen, giving ‘ gifts’, and since we are a dance association: party dances!

Magisch Maastricht & Skating

Every year, Magisch Maastricht opens it doors to let the winter magic fall upon the Vrijthof. 

Groups of LD! members fill the streets and the skating ring to enjoy evenings of bonding, good food, and (gracious) ice skating!

Teambuilding: Lasergaming!

If you are still on the fence about joining our competition team, don’t be! We try to a teambuilding activity at least once a year. This activity is there to help strengthen the bond between our members, because even though we compete against each other, we are one big friend group! 


There’s a beautiful opera in Liège. In 2022, a whole bus of culture loves from Let’s Dance!, went to see the Opera. It was an evening full of music, new experiences, and great company!